Sun Brings up a Valid Point

The most expensive hall at CeBIT is Hall 2, home of companies such as Sun Microsystems and IBM. We strolled by Sun's booth and saw this interesting demo:

On the left we've got a rack of Niagara 2 servers, on the right a rack of 4-year old Intel Xeon servers (16 CPUs total). Both systems are at idle and the difference in power consumption is tremendous: 180W for the Sun rack and nearly 1100W for the NetBurst Xeon rack.


Obviously the comparison would be far less skewed if we looked at Core 2 based products but the point is still valid: these old NetBurst based servers are power hogs and upgrading them would definitely help reduce datacenter power bills. Despite the Pentium 4's NetBurst architecture being our least favorite Intel creation, it still sold very well and these old Xeons continue to litter datacenters today.

Whether you replace them with Core 2 based Xeons or Niagara 2 based products, you'll still end up significantly reducing your power bill.

Intel's Wall of 4 North Carolina at CeBIT?
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