A Look at the Deep Learning Benchmark Landscape

For a new and sometimes impenetrable field like deep learning, where so much is customized to the hardware-at-hand – from frameworks and models to APIs and libraries – it's no surprise that there is little in the way of industry-accepted and publicly accessible benchmarking tools. Like HPC, much of its roots are in academic research, but deep learning's GPU-led arrival into the workstation-class hardware space is new. In a short time, we've heard of and seen deep learning datacenters, deep learning software, and basically every hardware implementation, running the gamut from CPUs, GPUs, and SoCs, to ASICs, FPGAs, and just about anything else you can fab on silicon.

So the applications of deep learning are less familiar to end-users, except when used as buzzwords to describe future products or current devices with mediocre inferencing capabilities. But ultimately, because deep learning encapsulates both training and inferencing, it has legitimate reason to include all types of hardware. That's partially what makes it so enticing, though the situation is somewhat of a chicken-and-egg scenario; cryptomining and blockchains were treated very differently before the latest surge in popularity (and infamy).

In terms of benchmarking GPUs for traditional HPC and workstation performance, there are several standardized suites (e.g. SPECviewperf, SiSoftSandra) that produce relatively consumer-accessible data, not to mention direct comparisons to real-world performance in ISV workstation software. This is not the case here.

Modern DL Benchmarking

The past couple years has seen a renewed effort to create a type of external benchmark suite, but the mainstays have been many of the reference implementations of DL frameworks like TensorFlow. With the impact of ImageNet and some of the models that have emerged from it (AlexNet, VGGNet, Inception, Resnet, to name a few), training on the Imagenet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2012 (ILSVRC2012) image dataset is considered to be an industry-standard task of sorts.


As it plays out in the media, reference models in framework repositories are often run in isolation and are offered up as raw peak throughput numbers; for image recognition, this would be 'images trained per second.' Though given the amount of configuration sometimes needed, this is understandable.

The recent releases of third-party deep learning benchmark suites very much look to solve that issue with standardization and accessible data. Of these, Fathom and TBD are more conventional benchmark suites with tests configured for specific frameworks and models, covering many of the different machine learning applications. Meanwhile, the recent Deep Learning Frameworks focuses on comparing performance for a given model and dataset across frameworks.

Comparison of Selected Deep Learning Benchmark Suites
Test Suite Published Collaborators
Fathom 9/2016 Harvard University
Baidu DeepBench 9/2016 Baidu Research
NVIDIA, Intel, Arm, AMD
Stanford DAWN Deep Learning Benchmark (DAWNBench) 11/2017 Stanford DAWN Project
(incl. Intel, Microsoft, and Google)
HPE Deep Learning Benchmark Suite (DLBS) 11/2017 HPE
Training Benchmark for DNNs (TBD) 3/2018 University of Toronto
Microsoft Research
Deep Learning Frameworks Comparison 3/2018 Microsoft Machine Learning
MLPerf 5/2018
Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, University of Minnesota, University of Toronto
Google, Baidu, Intel, AMD, and others

As for the bulk of our results today, DeepBench does not use frameworks per se, instead using low-level libraries to evaluate performance of machine learning operations across devices and machines with various preset kernels. On its own, while it does not directly implicate framework/model/application performance as other tests, instead it provides metrics that are representative of mathmatical operations and hardware capability as optimized by vendors; the binaries for each product are compiled with libraries that the hardware vendors (NVIDIA, Intel, Arm, AMD) provide and implement. This allows us to have a point-of-comparison between devices independent of frameworks and datasets.

One of the more different ones is DAWNBench, which is not so much a benchmark suite as it is a competition-like reporting of training and inference results for three datasets: ImageNet, CIFAR10, and SQuAD. The focus here is on real-world applicable data, namely end-to-end metrics of computation time-to-accuracy and cost, as opposed to raw accuracy or thoroughput.

For HPE DLBS, as part of HPE's Deep Learning Cookbook, it is largely GPU-focused and sticks to TensorFlow, MXNet, PyTorch, and Caffe-type frameworks, and additionally includes TensorRT testing. While the implementation has well-featured multi-test batching, logging, monitoring, and reporting, it outputs purely performance and time metrics, without any end-to-end measurements of time-to-accuracy or cost.

The most recent high profile benchmark suite, MLPerf, includes researchers and engineers previously working on DAWNBench and other suites; for all intents and purposes, the DAWNBench project has now been superseded by MLPerf. Explicitly aspiring to do for machine learning what SPEC does for general-purpose compute and TPC does for database systems, MLPerf is looking to include Fathom's approach with cross-domain ML tests, as well as DAWNBench's focus on end-to-end computation time of a model above a threshold accuracy. Being so new, however, it is currently on an alpha release, and the reference benchmarks are stated as not suitable for accurate hardware comparisons. For that reason, we have not incorporated any MLPerf testing in this review.

Modern DL being such a new and rapidly changing field, new benchmarks appear quickly, perhaps even as recent as last week. And old ones drift away, like the defunct DeepMark (also created by Chintala) and BenchIP. But for MLPerf, it does seem to be building off of all the lessons learned prior.

Benchmark Accuracy and Metrics

The Deep Learning Frameworks Comparison benchmark allows us to bring up a useful point: differences between frameworks can easily lead to unintended consequences, and thus invalid benchmarks, which affected the Deep Learning Frameworks Comparison as mentioned by Yuxin Wu (creator of tensorpack for TensorFlow). And in general, most DL benchmarks are invalid or less accurate in this way – something that Soumith Chintala (creator of convnet-benchmarks and PyTorch) noted. In the end, without a background in machine learning, there is no easy way of independently validating the accuracy and scope of DL benchmarks, which the MLPerf project appears to try to address.

Another issue is the difficulty in tracking down model variants or reproducing published results; many times, benchmark implementations originate from publications, reference model implementations, or otherwise ML competitions like Kaggle.

For our purposes though, the situation is slightly different, as we are testing GPU performance rather than framework or model performance. But ultimately un-optimized benchmarks would skew GPU performance results anyhow. For these reasons, micro-benchmarks such as DeepBench and 32-bit CNN benchmarks can still be useful in comparing performance between GPUs and between hardware vendors.

Models, Frameworks, and Datasets

The other factor is the sheer amount of deep learning models, frameworks, and datasets. Fortunately, benchmark suites tend to use the same models and datasets, and with competition-style suites like DAWNBench, forgo a mandated framework or model altogether.

As far as frameworks go, essentially all modern DL frameworks support CUDA and cuDNN. For Volta, all frameworks with FP16 storage support also support tensor core acceleration; if FP16 storage is enabled, tensor core acceleration is automatically enabled as well. We will want to utilize these frameworks in order to look at tensor core performance.

Comparison of Selected Deep Learning Benchmark Frameworks
Framework Support for cuDNN Support for FP16 Storage Support for Tensor Core Math
NVCaffe Yes Yes Yes
Caffe2 Yes Yes Yes
MXNet Yes Yes Yes
PyTorch Yes Yes Yes
Torch Yes No No
Chainer Yes No
TensorFlow Yes Yes Yes
Theano Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
(formerly CNTK)
Yes No

Update (7/16/2018): Microsoft reached out to clarify that CNTK has supported FP16 and tensor cores since 2.4, which released in January 2018. The information was originally sourced to NVIDIA's Mixed Precision Training Guide, and Microsoft is working with NVIDIA to correct this. In light of this, we have found that Chainer 4 supports FP16/tensor cores to some degree since at least April 2018.

That being said, just because a framework can exploit FP16 storage and tensor cores, doesn't mean it will; the mixed precision guidelines we discussed earlier are very much applicable. A benchmark or test on a given model is not necessarily configured to utilize FP16 and tensor cores out-of-the-box, even if it is built on a compatible framework. And even if it is, the model may not converge without further modification.

In the future, we can look forward to interoperable framework formats like ONNX and NNEF as another datapoint.

Revisiting Volta: How to Accelerate Deep Learning Methodology & Testing: Deep Learning Edition
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  • SirCanealot - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    No overclocking benchmarks. WAT. ¬_¬ (/s)

    Thanks for the awesome, interesting write up as usual!
  • Chaitanya - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    This is more of an enterprise product for consumers so even if overclocking it enabled its something that targeted demographic is not going to use.
  • Samus - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

  • MrSpadge - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    He even put the "end sarcasm" tag (/s) to point out this was a joke.
  • Ticotoo - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    Where oh where are the MacOS drivers? It took 6 months to get the pascal Titan drivers.
    Hopefully soon
  • cwolf78 - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    Nobody cares? I wouldn't be surprised if support gets dropped at some point. MacOS isn't exactly going anywhere.
  • eek2121 - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    Quite a few developers and professionals use Macs. Also college students. By manufacturer market share Apple probably has the biggest share, if not then definitely in the top 5.
  • mode_13h - Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - link

    I doubt it. Linux rules the cloud, and that's where all the real horsepower is at. Lately, anyone serious about deep learning is using Nvidia on Linux. It's only 2nd-teir players, like AMD and Intel, who really stand anything to gain by supporting niche platforms like Macs and maybe even Windows/Azure.

    Once upon a time, Apple actually made a rackmount OS X server. I think that line has long since died off.
  • Freakie - Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - link

    Lol, those developers and professionals use their Macs to remote in to their compute servers, not to do any of the number crunching with.

    The idea of using a personal computer for anything except writing and debugging code is next to unheard of in an environment that requires the kind of power that these GPUs are meant to output. The machine they use for the actual computations are 99.5% of the time, a dedicated server used for nothing but to complete heavy compute tasks, usually with no graphical interface, just straight command-line.
  • philehidiot - Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - link

    If it's just a command line why bother with a GPU like this? Surely integrated graphics would do?

    (Even though this is a joke, I'm not sure I can bear the humiliation of pressing "submit")

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