Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/4800/first-shot-of-haswell-working-demo-at-idf

What you're looking at above is the first shot of Haswell, Intel's 2013 Core microarchitecture that replaces Ivy Bridge. Haswell is designed for a 10 - 20W range of TDPs for mainstream clients, this is down from 35 - 45W with Sandy and Ivy Bridge today. Expect configurable TDP and turbo to play huge roles in Haswell in 2013.

Intel has already mentioned a 20x decrease in platform power with Haswell resulting in 10 days of connected standby battery life on notebooks and "all day" battery life. I expect we won't hear about Haswell architecture until next year's IDF, but at the end of Mooly's keynote we did finally see a live demo of the chip.

The die shot is actually very interesting, it looks like a really big Atom (silverthorne) with its thin rectangular shape.

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