Gaming Performance
Our gaming performance was tested with a variety of current games and additional titles will be added soon. We ran benchmarks with our standard 1280x1024 resolution with all games set to High Quality or Maximum settings except for AA/AF. Given the number of users that run 19" LCDs these days, 1280x1024 represents one of the most commonly used resolutions.Battlefield 2
This benchmark is performed using DICE's built-in demo playback functionality with additional capture capabilities designed in house. When using the built-in demo playback features of BF2, frames rendered during the loading screen are counted in the benchmark. In order to get a real idea of performance, we use the instantaneous frame time and frames per second data generated from our benchmark run. We discard the data collected during the loading screen and calculate a result that represents actual game play. While DICE maintains that results over 100fps aren't always reliable, our methods have allowed us to get useful data from high performing systems.

Serious Sam 2
This benchmark is performed using Croteam's built-in demo capability in the Serious Sam II engine. We utilize the included Branchester Demo and capture the playback results using the Ctrl-~ function. The benchmark features a large number of combatants, explosions, and general mayhem. The benchmark is can be CPU bandwidth or GPU sensitive depending upon the settings and resolution. We typically find this game is very playable at average in-game rates of 55 and above. We maximize all settings except antialiasing and anisotropic filtering within the general and advanced video settings.

F.E.A.R. uses a built-in performance test that generates graphical test scenes based upon the actual game engine. This test consists of a couple of different action sequences, a stressful water flyby, and heavy use of shadows while traveling through hallways. F.E.A.R. is a very graphics intensive game and we switch all settings to maximum for both the system and GPU except we disable "soft shadows". We find the game is playable around 35fps although we prefer a solid 45fps.

Gaming Summary
We see the DDR3 setups struggling in the Battlefield 2 tests even with improved latencies which only account for around a 1% improvement in the scores. The high latencies and relaxed memory sub-timings of our DDR3 systems are still suited for this game. In the CPU/GPU bandwidth hungry F.E.A.R., the DDR3 platforms have a slight advantage with the improved memory timings showing an improvement, albeit a minor one. Our Serious Sam 2 benchmark at this resolution is both CPU throughput and memory bandwidth sensitive to some degree. The increased bandwidth offered by the 1333FSB setting allows this configuration setting to provide the best scores. Once again, we see very minor improvements with the lower DDR3 memory timings mainly due to relaxed sub timings.
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vailr - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - link
In your upcoming P35 review, please include a rundown of AHCI mode.Including such items as:
1. Hot-swap capability of single drives, comparing
AHCI on Intel v. JMicron SATA port.
2. Hot-swap on Raid 1 array.
3. Details of setting up a fresh Windows XP and/or Windows Vista install, when AHCI is enabled in bios. F6 floppy driver install v. slipstreaming drivers into installation CD.
4. Speed comparison of: A. AHCI enabled v. disabled B. Intel SATA v. JMicron SATA.
5. Identifying "AHCI-capable" hard drives, v. older ("SATA 150", etc.) hard drives.
gigahertz20 - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - link
Last page of this article called "Quick Take" is not loading with IE7. -May 23rd, 9:21PM EasternJarredWalton - Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - link
Corrected. The Quick Take is on the same page as the Futuremark scores, and there was just an extra link at the end.