Battlefield 2 Performance

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2 - Power Consumption

Battlefield 2 - Performance per Watt


We had hoped to use Battlefield 2142 for testing, but the benchmarking utilities that came with 2142 are actually a step back relative to Battlefield 2. We would also like to get a benchmark using a Titan map, and there are difficulties with doing so (you need to be running the server in order to record a demo in multiplayer). For now, we return to Battlefield 2.

Despite the fact that Battlefield 2 has been available for quite some time, this is our first taste of a game that clearly has issues with 8800 GTX SLI. The single 8800 GTX card is able to place at the top of the performance charts, which is good news. The 8800 GTS comes in faster than the single ATI and GeForce 7900 cards, matching the performance of the 7950 GX2. Unfortunately, 8800 GTX SLI currently performs slower than 7900 GTX SLI and X1950 XTX CrossFire. We would expect updated drivers to fix this issue, though honestly just about every one of the tested graphics cards is capable of running at maximum resolution with 4xAA.

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  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - link

    They did the same thing with the original Halo, porting it (and slowing it down) to DX9. MS seems to think making Halo 2 Vista-only will get people to upgrade to the new OS. [:rolls eyes:]
  • stmok - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - link

    How else are they gonna get gamers to upgrade to Vista? :)
    (by cornering them into adopting Vista, using DirectX 10.0)

    Its sad and pathetic at the same time.

    DirectX 10.0 should be a "transitional" solution...That is, it covers both XP and Vista. This allows people to gradually upgrade their hardware, and if they wish, to Vista. What MS is doing now, is throwing everyone (developers and consumers) into the deep end, and expecting them to pay for the changes. (I suspect some would be put off by this, while the majority will continue to accept it...Which is unfortunate).

    Great article BTW. Interesting to see the high-end stuff...But I doubt I can afford it in this lifetime!

    I have two questions!

    (1) Any chance of looking at a triple video card setup?
    (I saw a presentation slide which had 2 video cards in SLI, while a third showed something else on screen).

    (2) Any idea when the GF8600-series comes?
    (mainstream market solution).
  • yyrkoon - Thursday, November 9, 2006 - link

    Great, links arent working ?">
  • yyrkoon - Thursday, November 9, 2006 - link">

    This article was written by a friend of mine back in April after an interview with ATI. Perhaps this will clear some things up.
  • yyrkoon - Thursday, November 9, 2006 - link

    When you break all hardware/software ties to something that has been around for 4-5 years? Its not that easy making it "transitional". From a software perspective, D3D10 is not compatable with XP in the least.

    I for one, think this is a step in the right direction.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, November 9, 2006 - link

    Supposedly all of the changes to the WDDM make porting DX10 back to Windows XP "impossible", although I'm more inclined to think the correct term would be "difficult" and you also have to add in "it doesn't fit with MS marketing protocol". WDDM is quite different in Vista however, so maybe there's some substance to the claims.
  • cosmotic - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - link

    On page 9:

    --Briefly explain what a sub-pixel is in the sentence before--
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - link

    Due to the size of this article and the amount of time it took to get ready, let me preempt any comments about the spelling and grammar. I am in the process of editing the final document as I read through it, and there are spelling/grammar errors. If they bother you too much, check back in an hour. If you read this an hour from now and you still find errors, then you can respond, though it would be useful to keep all responses in a single thread like this one.

    Thanks in advance,
    Jarred Walton
  • xtknight - Thursday, November 16, 2006 - link

    On p 12 (gamma corrected AA):

    "This causes problems for thing like thin lines."
  • acejj26 - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - link

    "If DirectX 10 sounds like a great boon to software developers, the fact that DX10 will only be supported in Windows XP is certain to curb enthusiasm. "

    I believe this should say "DX10 will only be supported in Windows Vista..."

    Not to be rude, but shouldn't the article be edited BEFORE being published??

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