Media Encoding Performance using WME, DivX, Quicktime and iTunes

All of our media encoding tests are multithreaded, as most media encoding tasks are, and thus the dual core CPUs do very well.

Windows Media Encoder 9 - Advanced Profile

Under Windows Media Encoder, the Pentium D 805 is extremely competitive. The top spot is of course reserved for the Athlon 64 X2 3800+, but at 29.5 fps the Pentium D 805 is noticeably faster than anything else in its price class.

H.264 Encoding with Quicktime Pro 7.0.4


The picture is really no different under Quicktime 7.0.4 with H.264 encoding: the Pentium D 805 is truly a bargain, offering good middle of the road performance at a low end price.

And the trend continues with DivX 6.1.1 and iTunes:

DivX 6.1.1 Pro with Xmpeg 5.0.3

MP3 Encoding with iTunes

3D Rendering Performance using 3dsmax 7 Gaming Performance using F.E.A.R. and Quake 4
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  • mino - Friday, April 7, 2006 - link

    Should have been Sempron 3400+ ~ A64 3000+ ...

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