Server and Workstation Processors

Not much has changed in the server and workstation segment other than the actual launch and availability of the dual core Opterons. Here's what we have looking at the present and near future.

AMD Server/Workstation Roadmap
Processor Core Name Clock Speed Socket Launch Date
Opteron 875 Egypt 2.2 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 870 Egypt 2.0 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 865 Egypt 1.8 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 865 HE Egypt 1.8 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 860 HE Egypt 1.6 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 854 Athens 2.8 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Q3'05
Opteron 275 Italy 2.2 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 270 Italy 2.0 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 265 Italy 1.8 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 265 HE Italy 1.8 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 260 HE Italy 1.6 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now
Opteron 254 Troy 2.8 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Q3'05
Opteron 175 Denmark 2.2 GHz 1MB Socket 939 Now
Opteron 170 Denmark 2.0 GHz 1MB Socket 939 Now
Opteron 165 Denmark 1.8 GHz 1MB Socket 939 Now
Opteron 154 San Diego 2.8 GHz 1MB Socket 939 Q3'05
Opteron x52 Venus/Troy/Athens 2.6 GHz 1MB Socket 940 Now

We've separated the 8xx, 2xx, and 1xx Opteron models into their individual parts for a reason. While older Opterons all targeted socket 940, AMD is apparently moving the 1xx models towards socket 939. The most likely reason is for price/performance advantages of the platform, or perhaps that yields of the newer parts have reached the point where everything works in two socket or higher configurations. 152 is the last single socket Opteron appearing on the roadmap, though determined single socket 940 holdouts can always drop in the more expensive 2xx parts if they want.

Looking at the future, the only new Opterons coming out will be the single core x54 models. As we just mentioned, 154 will actually be a socket 939 part (along with the now available 165, 170, and 175). The switch to socket 939 also means that the 154 will use the San Diego core rather than the Venus core that previous 1xx 90nm parts have been based off. 254 and 854 will also exist, and we must admit we're a little surprised - several of us were surprised to see the x52 models. Almost any application that can take advantage of SMP will perform better on two 265 cores than on two 254 cores, but AMD apparently has received enough requests for another single core Opteron model that the x54 parts are being made. The price of the 254/854 parts is identical to that of the 265/865 parts, however, so the parts are essentially being rated as equivalent. Users that have applications that depend more on pure clock speed rather than multiple threads are the likely target of the x54 parts. The socket 939 154 part is priced the same as the FX-57, and actually costs more than the 254, so single socket 940 users shouldn't fret too much. The 939 152 is also priced the same as the FX-55, while the 940 152 is substantially cheaper.


Besides the various Opteron models most of you have probably seen before, we also included the HE models. HE stands for "High Efficiency" and the efficiency we're talking about is performance per Watt. Where the standard Opterons have a TDP of 95W, the HE models are only 55W. You basically give up two bins of performance for the lower TDP, however, so the 865 HE costs as much as the 875 and the 850 HE costs as much as the 865. They also max out at two levels below the fastest models, which isn't too surprising.

Looking to the future of Opterons, the current roadmap doesn't contain any information about what's planned. DDR2 is in the works for all the other markets, so it would make sense for Opteron to eventually move that way as well. However, there have been difficulties in the past with getting ECC and registered memory to work with DDR2, so perhaps Opterons will move to FB-DIMMs (Fully Buffered DIMMS) instead. We do know that AMD has something in the works called socket F, a 1207 pin socket for future Opterons, but we don't know what type of RAM is used. That transition is likely more than a year off, but we'll let you know as soon as we get any clearer picture of what AMD has planned.

Final Thoughts

Echoing what we said in our last AMD roadmap, there aren't a whole lot of speed increases showing up on the future roadmaps. FX-59 will add another 200 MHz to the fastest AMD processor in terms of clock speed, and we can guess that the X2 5000+ will do the same. Again there is another low clock X2 coming up that we can't talk about just now, but fortunately you won't have to wait too long for details on that processor to emerge. Rather than focusing on increasing raw clock speed, AMD and Intel have both shifted to improving the features of their various chips. Dual core was the first step in that direction, and quad core (or maybe tri core) is a likely evolution at some point. 65nm processors are also on the horizon, and likely AMD will begin releasing the first such processors just beyond the range of the present roadmap - i.e. in late 2006 or early 2007. The process shrink should bring improved clock speeds as well as more cores per die. The increasing numbers of mobile parts are another indication of the changing goals. We may not be able to get much faster without spending significant effort, but we can try to focus on making the current designs more portable at the very least. We'll take a look at the Intel roadmap in the near future, but the trends are similar to what we see with AMD.

Mobile and Transportable Processors
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  • Griswold - Friday, August 5, 2005 - link

    Use the REPLY button.
  • JarredWalton - Saturday, August 6, 2005 - link

    The new threaded view for comments came into effect after this was posted. Look at the date of the post. Older articles are going to have odd looking comments, but that's the price of progress.
  • tygrus - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    DD3 (2007/8) can use the same FB-DIMM interface as DD2 FB-DIMM's. That may be OK for servers but the first desktops with DDR2 not use the FB-DIMM interface. FB-DIMM interface still has a few performance limiations per channel. Eletrical and frequency may change in future versions for DDR3.

    AMD really need a move on if they don't wont to be steam-rolled by Intel. Intel are not going to sit idly by and leave AMD with a performance lead. It's too slow to wait for AMD to make the changes and wait for new technology. Waiting for mid-2006 for DDR2 is too slow when slower DDR2 is hitting price prity with DDR. By Q1-2006, DDR1 will be more expensive than todays prices and faster DDR2 wil be cheaper than DDR1, Intel will have faster/cooler 65nm CPU's and AMD will still have a very slow trickly of faster CPU's until their 65nm. It's only been about 400MHz increase per year for the last 2.5 years. I want 200MHz+ every quarter.
  • johnsonx - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    Also, let's not forget that town from the Jackass bit:


    (pronounced 'My Anus'... don't recall what state it's in)
  • johnsonx - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    There's a small town in Minnesota that would make a perfect name for AMD's next CPU:

  • yacoub - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    Man, what's gonna happen when they run out of cool city/town names?? :(
  • lsman - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    #11 DDR3 in 2007 = another socket.
  • Griswold - Friday, August 5, 2005 - link

    Oh boy, just Reply to the post you're refering to instead of using the old numbers, that dont even exist anymore. Get over it, this is how comments will be from now on.
  • PrinceGaz - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    #12- thanks for that, they've got the new lower-clocked X2 listed :)

    Athlon 64 X2 3800+ - 2.0 GHz, Manchester (2x512K L2), due Aug 2005.

    Unfortunately there isn't a Toledo 2.0 GHz part (which would be the X2 4000+), but that makes sense as they don't want to sell an expensive to manufacture part at a low price.

    The X2 3800+ isn't for me as I want the larger cache, so I'm not going to delay going for a X2 4400+ now (I was going to wait and see what the new part was). Thanks again for the link :)
  • coomar - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    hasn't a lot of this information been known for a while

    the roadmap for a64's:

    has had this for the last 4-6 months

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